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Төлемақыға деген қабылдаймыз

Iron Ore Raw Materials (Sintered Ore, Concentrate, Pellets) Market Research Report | Russia Industry Analysis 2018-2023

Беттің саны: 42 Кестенің саны: 36 Әлеміштің саны: 11
Есеп берудің тілі: English
Шыға берістің дата: 05.03.2024
Тамашаның қиюы:

Состав комплектации: файл формата PDF (версия для чтения и печати)

Pdf, Word, Excel 

Құн: 1 000 Euro

This report studies the Russian iron raw materials market, especially focusing on top manufacturers in the regional markets, with production, price, revenue and the market share for each manufacturer, covering

 JSC Lebedinskiy GOK

PJSC Mikhailovskiy GOK

JSC Stoilenskiy GOK

JSC Karelskiy Okatysh

JSC EVRAZ-Kachkanarskiy GOK


By regions, this report splits the total Russian market into several Federal Districts (FO), with the production, consumption, revenue, the market shares and growth rate of iron raw materials in these regions, from 2018 to 2023, including

Central FO

North-Western FO

Urals FO

Siberian FO

Far Eastern FO


Raw materials, with production, the market share and growth rate of each type, can be divided into

Hematite-magnetite in ferruginous quartzites




Magnetite in skarns



This report focuses on consumption, the market shares and growth rate of iron ore raw materials for each form, that can be divided into

 Sintered ore


Non-fluxed pellets; Fluxed pellets


The report includes nine parts, the first part mainly introduces the product basic information; the second parts analyzes the raw materials for production of iron concentrate and pellets; the third part describes the methods of obtaining iron raw materials; the fourth part analyzes quality of products; the fifth part gives the yearly iron raw materials production in Russia from 2018 to 2023 total, by types and by companies; the sixth part analyzes export and import of iron raw materials in Russia; the seventh part discusses the iron raw materials domestic and export prices of Russia; the eighth part analyzes consumption of iron raw materials in Russia by regional sectors; the ninth part mainly gives the production, financial and contact information for the largest iron raw materials producers in Russia and for the large consumers.



1. Introduction


2. Raw materials for iron production


3. Methods of obtaining iron ore raw materials


4. Quality of products


5. Iron ore raw materials production in Russia in 2018-2023

5.1 Iron ore raw materials production in Russian by regions

5.2 Shares of the largest iron ore raw materials producers in Russia

5.3 Iron ore raw materials capacity and production by enterprises


6. Export and import of iron ore raw materials in Russia in 2018-2023


7. Review of prices for iron ore raw materials in Russia in 2018-2023

7.1 Domestic prices

7.2 Export prices of the Russian iron raw materials


8. Consumption of iron ore raw materials in Russia in 2018-2023

8.1 Consumption balance

8.2. Regional structure of consumption


9. Major Industry Players in Russia

9.1 JSC Lebedinskiy GOK

9.2 PJSC Mikhailovskiy GOK

9.3 JSC Karelskiy Okatysh

9.4 JSC EVRAZ-Kachkanarskiy GOK

9.5 JSC Stoilenskiy GOK

Table 1: The main iron ore deposits in Russia, million tons

Table 2: Mass fraction of total iron in iron ore at the main exploited deposits of the Russian Federation,%

Table 3: Iron concentrate production in Russia by federal districts in 2018-2023, Mt

Table 4: Sinter production in Russia by federal districts in 2018-2023, Mt

Table 5: Iron pellets production in Russia by federal districts in 2018-2023, Mt

Table 6: Iron concentrate production in Russia by enterprises in 2018-2023, kt

Table 7: Iron pellets production in Russia by enterprises in 2018-2023, kt

Table 8: Russian exports and imports of iron concentrates in commodity (Mt) and monetary (mln $) terms in 2018-2023

Table 9: Export of iron concentrates from Russia in 2018-2023 by countries, Mt

Table 10: Import of iron concentrates to Russia in 2018-2023 by countries, Mt

Table 11: Russian exports and imports of iron pellets in commodity (Mt) and monetary (mln $) terms in 2018-2023

Table 12: Export of iron pellets from Russia in 2018-2023 by countries, Mt

Table 13: Import of iron pellets to Russia in 2018-2023 by countries, Mt

Table 14: Average monthly prices for iron concentrates of manufacturing enterprises in Russia in 2018-2023, rubles / t (excluding VAT)

Table 15: Domestic iron concentrates prices in Russia by federal districts in 2018-2023, rubles / t

Table 16: Average monthly prices for iron pellets of manufacturing enterprises in Russia in 2018-2023, rubles / t (excluding VAT)

Table 17: Domestic iron pellets prices in Russia by federal districts in 2018-2023, rubles / t

Table 18: Export prices for the Russian iron concentrates and pellets by manufacturers in 2018-2023 by types, $ / t

Table 19: The main indicators of iron concentrates market in Russia in 2018-2023, Mt

Table 20: The main indicators of iron pellets market in Russia in 2018-2023, Mt

Table 21: Scheme of deliveries of commodity iron ore to the main metallurgical enterprises of Russia in 2023

Table 22: JSC Lebedinskiy GOK Basic Information List

Table 23: The largest recipients of JSC Lebedinskiy GOK in 2018-2023, kt

Table 24: Financial indicators of JSC Lebedinskiy GOK in 2017-2021, billion rubles.

Table 25: PJSC Mikhailovskiy GOK Basic Information List

Table 26: The largest recipients of PJSC Mikhailovskiy GOK in 2018-2023, kt

Table 27: Financial indicators of PJSC Mikhailovskiy GOK in 2017-2021,  billion rubles.

Table 28: JSC Karelskiy Okatysh Basic Information List

Table 29: The largest recipients of JSC Karelskiy Okatysh in 2018-2023, kt

Table 30: Financial indicators of JSC Karelskiy Okatysh in 2017-2021, billion rubles.

Table 31: JSC EVRAZ-Kachkanarskiy GOK Basic Information List

Table 32: The largest recipients of JSC EVRAZ-Kachkanarskiy GOK in 2018-2023, kt

Table 33: Financial indicators of JSC EVRAZ-Kachkanarskiy GOK in 2018-2022, billion rubles

Table 34: JSC Stiolenskiy GOK Basic Information List

Table 35: The largest recipients of JSC Stoilenskiy GOK in 2018-2023, kt

Table 36: Financial indicators of JSC Stoilenskiy GOK in 2017-2021, billion rubles.

Figure 1: Structure of iron ores reserves in Russia by federal districts as of 01.01.2023,%

Figure 2: Dynamics of iron concentrate production in Russia in 2018-2023,  mln. tons

Figure 3: Dynamics of sinter production in Russia in 2018-2023, mln. tons

Figure 4: Dynamics of iron pellets production in Russia in 2018-2023, Mt

Figure 5: Structure of production of iron concentrate in Russia by enterprises in 2023,%

Figure 6: Dynamics of exports and imports of iron concentrates in Russia in 2018-2023, Mt

Figure 7: Dynamics of exports and imports of iron pellets in Russia in 2018-2023, Mt

Figure 8: Dynamics of monthly wholesale prices of iron concentrates producers in Russia in 2018-2023, rubles / t (excluding VAT)

Figure 9: Dynamics of monthly wholesale prices of iron pellets producers in Russia in 2018-2023, rubles / t (excluding VAT)

Figure 10: Dynamics of the Russian export-import prices for iron concentrates in 2018-2023, $ / t

Figure 11: Dynamics of the Russian export-import prices for iron pellets in 2018-2023, $ / t


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109028, Мәскеу қаласы, Певческий тар көшесі, 4-үй, Бизнес-орталығы "На Певческом", 4-құрылыс, 4-қабат

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